It's blurry...terrible color, but this photo of my mom, my siblings and myself, completely captures how I'm feeling today! can't hold the image quality against me because, well...I'm in it!!
Paint is going to start hitting the studio walls in less than an hour!
Saying I'm excited, may even be an understatement.
Paint..floor..trim....make it mine!!
This is the first time in history that I have had FULL say in how a space looks..what goes in it...etc.
Not, that the Michael ever would have cared about the details in our house, but you know,
I had to ask.
Not this time...and when I ever-so-nicely asked his opinion, he made me even happier when he answered..
"This is all you."
We hope to be completely done and open for sessions by the end of next week.
I will have photos ready for you!!
Have a wonderful day!
Talk Soon,