Sunday, April 29, 2012

St Clair Event

Thank you for visiting my site! If you are here looking for the photos from the Kyle St Clair event last night, A link will be posted as soon as possible. You will be able to view and purchase any photos that you may want from the event. All proceeds will go directly to the St Clair's. Please check back soon, I should have the link up by the end of the day today, tomorrow at the latest!

The event was wonderful! Thank you to all who came and made this event such a huge success!!

Talk Soon

Friday, April 27, 2012


I looked at my blog yesterday and realized it didn't reflect me at all.
The and white! huh??

I am a color girl all the way!!.

I think sometimes we get wrapped up in how things are "supposed" to be rather than being ourselves.

SO, while I'm on my, hopefully, last day of recovery, I'm changing everything about my blog.

I'm redesigning everything! Logo, branding...everything, so that it reflects me and my work.

Please be patient through this change...I've been known to have a hard time making decisions.
I often have to call three people and ask their opinion if I can't decide myself! :)

I hope everyone is cherishing this day and the ones you love.

Talk soon

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Photography and Video EEG

Morning Peeps!
Sorry to get you all excited if you thought I was making THE big announcement today. That will come another day, soon.
Today, I just need a little vent session on my impending week, if you don't mind. If you do mind, well, there is always facebook.

First things first:

"Hello, my name is Melissa, I'm a photographer. This means I'm 100% comfortable behind my camera and absolutely despise being on the other side of the glass."

With that said. Monday marks the start of my week stay at the Neuro Center where I will be on camera, 24 hours a day, for 5 days. What makes this even more dreadful? I will be back to my electrode alien self and will not be able to shower.
I'm advising all my friends and family that if y'all are up for a visit, Monday or Tuesday might be best. I'm sure by Wednesday I'm going to be a greasy hot mess. I'm sure it won't be pretty.

If you follow me. Which, HELLO, if you don't, you are truly missing out! You would know I'm a wreck about this next week. I can feel the anxiety growing more and more as the days of this week get crossed off the calendar. In my present situation, anxiety and stress is a wonderful thing. Stress seems to be a major factor in bringing these seizures on, but really, I'd like to just enjoy this week and save the stress for Monday.

I've already started cutting down on my seizure medication. UGH. We don't even know if this one is helping at all, I mean. I'm still having them, but it's my little safety net I don't appreciate being taken away.
By Sunday, all medication will be stopped completely and Monday, the waiting begins.

I'm waiting for the moment when the clouds part, angels sing and I confidently say, "ok, let's do this! I'm ready!"
It may or may not happen, but Monday is going to come whether my angels break out in song or not.

I will be reporting from my room all week. If I'm recovering from a seizure waiting for the second one, my girl Heidi will be here to entertain you. Just promise you won't like her so much that you ditch me to follow her, ok? She is really funny and witty, she may have that effect on you.
She will be posting photos to update you all on how terribly greasy I have become by the day. I know you just can't wait! I'm actually agreeing to photos, because if it were her, I would absolutely want to torture her with images of grossness to hold on to forever. What are friends for? right?

Now, after torture week, it's all business!
I have had a few inquiries for photos. I'm going to run an awesome Mother's day special and will be booking as soon as my vacation in hell is over!

I just want to take photos again. I want my life back. I want to meet new clients.

I'm almost there, I can feel it!!

Well, I'm off to dust! (total lie, I don't dust)

Talk Soon!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

New Things Are Happening!!

And it is SUPER exciting!!!!
 A collision of business and creative.
A perfect collision. 

Talk Soon Peeps!
Happy Easter!
Love, Melissa