Thursday, May 3, 2012

Well, hello..

This has been a rough week.
A dear friend passed away last week and his services were this week.
He was a wonderful man that left behind a sweet wife and two adorable boys.
I can't explain how my heart aches for them.
It challenged my faith.
I just pray that Jen and her boys find some peace.

Since I have been open with you all about my health issues, I suppose its ok to tell you that my seizures come with stress. I'm a worrier. I internalize a lot and I tend to stuff and go.

I'm a master at putting on a smile, making a joke and remaining disgustingly optimistic during times I want to just break down and cry.

I tried to stuff everything I was feeling this week. I really tried.
and with that came a seizure. A rather bad one.

It completely wiped me out.

I'm not making excuses here.

The StClair photos should be completed and a link should already be posted.

They are close, but not just yet. I promise though, soon. Like, tomorrow soon.

I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I want all my images of the event to be as great as the turnout was. I want every image to be something my dear friend Kate will be proud of.

I also want them to be so great that you will want to purchase beautiful prints so the proceeds can help my friends even more.

Thank you for your patience. Thank you for your love for the StClairs.

Talk Soon



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